Chocolate Quinoa Muffins and The Liturgy of the Sweet Potato

Chocolate Quinoa Muffins and The Liturgy of the Sweet Potato

My friend Mary Jo asked if I could post this muffin recipe after I mentioned it in last week’s blog post. So here you go, Mary Jo, and thank you for asking! I am happy when I get to share recipes with friends. And I am happy when my next blog post just lines itself up like that.

Another List

Another List

In case you still aren’t list-satisfied, what about a Ta-Da list? Gretchen Rubin taught me this one too. Here’s her podcast episode about it if you want to know more, but the basic idea is that, instead of a “To-Do” list telling you what to do, you make a “Ta-Da” list celebrating the things you have already done.

7 for 21

7 for 21

I made a whole “21 for 2021” list back at the start of the year. But even then, I had the feeling that 21 goals was too many. Within a couple weeks, I noticed that small things on the list (goals not even that important to me) were taking mental energy away from the more important things. My attention was too divided and I couldn't focus.