No Barn


I like when the realization hits that I am getting the same message from different places in my life. This quote about the barn is on a card I kept from years ago because I love what it says.

The quote’s meaning is similar to the theme, as reflected in the title, of the book I’m currently reading to the kids for school.


The meaning is also similar to a couple lines of poetry from Alice Cary’s “Nobility” that we learned a while back.


At this time of year, in particular, when the time changes and officially brings summer to an end in my mind, I have to look hard to see what was hiding behind the barn. I have to practice finding the door in the wall so I can find out what might be gained by the thing my life misses so very much.

I get to cook sweet potato chili, for one. I get to wear my favorite boots. I get to see my kids get excited about Christmas. I get to use the warm covers. I get to invite people to dinner less (a season that I actually do appreciate after some busy months of hosting). I get to welcome the daylight sooner. I get to start thinking about goals for next year. I get to give my body time off from skiing. I get to remember that at least we don’t live in Chicago anymore.

And I get to anticipate the start of the new year each time I see these words on our wall, words that give me hope in the waiting season:


A full-circle thought to end with is that the wood for this sign came from the real barn that came down on the farm where I grew up.