How does one preserve so much that is true? How does one keep all the words, ideas, themes, convictions, images, and imaginations for a better life in a place of mind and heart where they can stick and change and bless?
I posted on Instagram recently that my “twenty minutes a day” is still going strong. A friend saw that post and asked to know more. I have been copying quotes in commonplace books for many years now. Copying quotes has become more than a hobby; it is one of my surest and quickest paths to peace in the midst of chaos and stress. It makes me feel stable and settled. I dive into the words and I breathe.
The way it works is simple: I set my watch timer for twenty minutes, and I copy quotes for the duration. Then I stop, mark my place, and do it again tomorrow. I keep up the “twenty minutes a day” routine for as long as needed until I’m caught up copying quotes from whatever book I recently read. I don’t copy from every book I read, but certain authors (Anne Lamott, Alexander McCall Smith, Gretchen Rubin) always get copied.
Besides copying quotes in my commonplace books, here are some other ways my life revolves around words. I try to preserve the words so they can preserve me.
I could keep going, but I bet you would get tired of hearing me talk about my words before I would get tired of showing you. There are words all over my house and all over my heart. This is how I go through the world. But I still ponder not only how to collect the words, but how to let them make me new, break me open, wake me up, and change me. For now, I just keep standing in the words, anchored, blessed, and grateful.