Earlier this week, I finished journaling back through all my underlines from the book Running On Empty, which I read a few months ago and have been slowly processing ever since. But that finish is only a beginning.
The Eagle on Your Credit Card
To Gain Some Clarity
I recently tried, for the first time, to read Pride and Prejudice. After eighty pages, I gave up. My friend Sarah, who lent me the book on request, called it one of her “comfort books,” and I fully expected to find my place in the story. Perhaps it’s not my time yet, so let’s just say I hope to try again some day.
Fudge Babies and Pecan Pie Babies
I have been making these healthy little treats for many years (I have photos of them dating back to 2010). I don’t remember how I first found the recipe, but I know for sure that I didn’t make these up, and that this gal did.
The Road to Poetry
I already knew from my own experience that memorizing poetry was doing a work on my interior spaces, but I haven’t tried especially hard to put language around what that work is. I have felt it and known its power, and I have returned time and again to seek out beautiful poetry, to commit the lines to memory, and to give them safekeeping in my heart.