
More Time to Think

More Time to Think

I am sure I will always and forever be longing for more time to think, read, and write. The laptop part isn’t as vital as the quiet room with no kids in sight or the early morning walk alone up the hills in my neighborhood. I have charted my daily course in such a way that this time to myself takes precedence over almost every other thing.

10-Minute Pasta

10-Minute Pasta

I may have mentioned being in a meal rut lately. BBQ Tofu with Cajun Rice is boring, Cuban Red Beans and Rice is killing me, and if I have to eat Chicken Chilaquiles one more time, I simply cannot. In between somehow continuing to pull off these mundane meals, I've also ventured into new recipe territory in the past couple of weeks.

Before You Leave the Earth

Before You Leave the Earth

I have been asking for months what my purpose in writing is. In my current re-read of Gretchen Rubin's Better than Before, one particular line jumped out at me that I think may help me answer the question about writing. In the chapter on clarity, Rubin says, "Once I've spelled out the problem in words, the greater clarity usually helps me to spot a solution."